

Shoes will always love you and make you feel fabulous…

The dating game can be like a roller coaster, up and down emotions, will the guy call, will he not? Unlike the dating game, shoes make you feel deliciously fantastic the whole time, who needs the confidence fix from a first date when you can slip on a pair of divine Seth’s to do the same job!

You can own as many shoes as you like…but only one boyfriend!

You can have a ‘open-relationship’ when it comes to shoes, reject monogamy, totally cheat and purchase as many shoes as you like. You can have one single guy in your life you love but millions of pretty drool-over darling shoes. Being devoted to a shoe collection rather than one guy gives a shoe loving girl satisfaction, variety and a constant heaven of ‘thrill-seeking’ to find the next perfect pair on the shelf.

Men play games while shoes have fun…

Game playing is a regular feature on the dating scene, ever met the totally affectionate perfect guy to be thrust into despair of waiting for him to call. Shoes just don’t bow down to such games, if a guy is acting badly, trot out in your high-heels ladies and find a new one.

Shoes love you to play…

Shoes love you to take them out to play.  Men have poker, drinking and video games and we have shoes ladies and exciting places to show them off!

Shoes don’t like ‘shoe-time’ like men like ‘man-time’

Unlike shoes, your man will crave man-time, seeing how much testosterone can fit into one place, strictly ‘only-male’ events, usually involving a tipple and gambling. However mis-behaving your boyfriend is, our pretty shoe collection is constantly by our sides through the up and down niggles of a man’s night out.

We’re attracted to the good shoe not the bad ones…

When it comes to shoes, ladies will only ever be attracted to the ‘good’ shoe and not the ‘bad’ shoe; unfortunately with guys we can be the total sucker for the bad guy who just knows how to give you that run-around. Break your bad-boy addiction by focusing on your shoe collection, shoe shopping and chatting about shoes over coffee with your friends…